The Bamboo Glade is incorporated as part of the Red Walk. After leaving the Primeval Forest, you will be taken past the plant nursery, where you will see a White Way Marker, taking you through the Bamboo Glade and back again to the main Red Walk.
In 2007, the Bamboo Glade was begun. This involved preparing the ground for planting and laying hundreds of metres of root barrier to curtail the spread of these plants in future years took a number of months. A planting programme was implemented in August 2007 which included over sixty rare species of bamboo, the majority of them Asian, with some South American species. With their colour, variety and growth they make a wonderful addition to the flora of Kells.
Some examples of the Bamboos planted are Borinda papyifera, Chusquea breviglumis (= Ch. gigantea), Fargesia denudate, Himalayacalamus hookerianus, Pseudosasa japonica ‘Tsutsumiana’, Sasa kurilensis ‘Shiroshima’, Shibatea chinensis.
To locate most of these plants please visit the plant database.
After 4 years of growth the Bamboos are beginning to establish themselves. Despite the extreme cold of the two winters of 2009-10 and 2010-11, losses were minimal.
You will also pass the ‘Wishing Seat’. This was carved out of a massive fallen Pine tree by Pieter Koning a local sculptor.